welcome to my internet home!

Hi, I'm Sumit So, and this is the introduction that ChatGPT wrote for me

Hello and welcome! This is Sumit So, I'm glad you're here. This site is my little corner of the internet where I share my journey as a YouTuber and blogger

I don't know a lot of people, but I think this is a good start to make videos and post articles. Feel free to connect with me if you think I can help in some way or if you'd like to collaborate. I’m excited about the possibilities of what we can create together

About me

About me, huh? Alright, let’s see. It’s the 19th of April, 2024, and as I write this article, I’m 23. Just finished my engineering degree—four years wasted in college. Right now, I’m an intern doing a dumb job as a Full Stack Developer at some freaking startup.

Sumit So : Home Page

But the good part? I took a 1 BHK apartment with one big-ass room and a really nice kitchen. I can drink beer, play loud music, and sleep without clothes. I can literally do anything. Like, here’s an image of me watching images of the Dalai Lama, which has nothing to do with this 'about' section. That’s cool, isn’t it?

Future plans

Future Plan's

Well I’ve got a lot of things on the fire right now, like revamping this website! It’s a work in progress, but I’m excited to make it a place where all my crazy ideas and late-night thoughts find a home, Maybe I'll start my weekly newsletter—who knows?

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